
Commitment to history

A Museum only makes sense when the people involved feel reflected and honored in some way. It must provoke questioning. Each piece of information given must result in yet another question, in a succession of events that transforms us and makes us better as human beings, citizens and professionals.

The WEG Museum was opened on September 16th, 2003 with this perspective in mind. WEG’s history, the culture of Jaraguá do Sul and the wonders of science and technology gathered in one single place, creating a space for emotion, reflection and citizenship. For WEG, founding this museum in the very same building that housed its first headquarters means strengthening the bonds with these three elements, as a return to the company’s roots, which simply means preparing to fly even higher.

In 2013, due to the 10th anniversary of the Museum, the venue went under renovation. The collection and the attractions were renovated and the place became known as WEG Museum of Science and Technology, a project that received support from the Brazilian Rouanet cultural incentive law.

In addition to the basic concepts of physics, which are key to understand electricity and magnetism, guests will have the opportunity to learn and see how some products work and how they are used in the everyday lives of cities, households and factories. They will also have a chance to learn about the 50 year-long history of WEG.

It has been 00 years 00 monyhs, 00 days, 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds and we keep on improving, teaching, and making history with our eyes on the future.

Travel Through our Timeline Compare before and after

Is it possible to travel through time?

At WEG Museum of Science and Technology it is!

Here, besides going back in time, you can do this aboard an Austin, manufactured in 1950 and donated to the collection in 2003 by Mr. Werner Voigt. The car, which is still on display at the Museum, has now been provided with an interactive version, inviting us for a ride through the Museum’s major milestones of the last ten years.

Embark on this journey and get to know a history of education, culture, leisure, and citizenship that greatly influenced life in the city of Jaraguá do Sul and its surroundings.


Façade of Eletromotores Jaraguá’s first manufacturing site.


WEG celebrates 40 years and acquires the building where its first manufacturing site was located and offer the WEG Museum to the community of Jaraguá do Sul.


WEG Museum opening ceremony on September 16th, 2003.

WEG founders, Mr. Werner Voigt, Mr. Eggon João da Silva and Mrs. Lilian Werninghaus – Mr. Geraldo Werninghaus’s wife – take part in the Museum opening ceremony.

Mr. Eggon João da Silva was the first person to sign the WEG Museum visitor’s book.


The Museum received 27,411 guests in the first year.


The Museum organizes a group of volunteers to assist visitors on the weekends.


The WEG Museum takes part in the Treasure Hunt in the museums of Jaraguá do Sul.

The WEG Museum takes a bus and visits other city collections to celebrate Museum Day.

Teacher training session at the WEG Museum.

The Museum collection visits WEG’s manufacturing plant in Itajaí.


Carnival at the Museum.

Children take part in the Indian Day celebration at the Museum.


Regional schools visit the exhibit in honor of World Water Day.

Launch of the book “Ideias e Caminhos: A Trajetória de um dos fundadores da WEG” [Ideas and Pathways: the Journey of one of WEG’s Founders] of Eggon João da Silva.


Schwanke Plastic Arts Exhibition

Carpenters Day Exhibition


Film release “The Best Things in the World”.

Project: The School Goes to the Museum.

Santa Catarina Music Festival performance at the Museum.

The WEG Museum celebrates the World Cup.

Humor Exhibit at the Museum.

Project exhibition Music for All.


Tell your Story Exhibition.

Museums Meeting.

Launch of the book “WEG 50 anos” [“WEG, 50 years”]

The Rescue of History Project.


Movies at the Museum.

Music in the Museum Project.


The School Goes to the Museum Project.

In ten years of existence, the WEG Museum received more than 120 thousand visitors.


Reinauguration ceremony with opening speech of Décio Silva

The founders Mr. Werner Ricardo Voigt, Mr. Eggon João da Silva, his wife Ms. Laura Augusta da Silva and Ms. Lilian Werninghaus cut the ribbon.

The founders Mr. Werner Ricardo Voigt, Mr. Eggon João da Silva and Ms. Lilian Werninghaus sign the visitor book

WEG Museum personnel

Antes e Depois

Fachada Museu WEG

Sala de Imersão

Fabricação de Motores

Montagem de Motores

Evolução Motores

Caminhos WEG



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